Diyanet Center of America,
Turkish American Mosque
Spiritual Beauty @ The Diyanet Center, Lanham MD
We visited the Turkish American Community Center (known as the Diyanet Center of America) located in Lanham, MD this weekend.
The grounds of the center contain multiple facilities, including a beautiful mosque built in a Turkish architectural style, a sports and rec center with a traditional hammam, a gymnasium and swimming pool, and personal residences. If you have a chance, you should really check it out. You can find more information at their website here.
I was surprised to see how big the center's campus was, and thrilled to see how beautiful and pristine everything was kept.
When I first saw photos of the center online, I couldn't believe it was in the US, let alone so close to us here in DC. The style is so traditionally Turkish and opulent, I was sure it was located overseas somewhere. The mosques I've been to in the US have been much more modest and contemporary in style. I loved seeing a religious and cultural center embrace its own beautiful heritage so completely. I guess it helps that the Turkish government funded its $110 million construction 💁
Here are just a few photos we took there:
On another note, I've really missed blogging and taking photos. I hope to be able to do more soon.
The grounds of the center contain multiple facilities, including a beautiful mosque built in a Turkish architectural style, a sports and rec center with a traditional hammam, a gymnasium and swimming pool, and personal residences. If you have a chance, you should really check it out. You can find more information at their website here.
I was surprised to see how big the center's campus was, and thrilled to see how beautiful and pristine everything was kept.
When I first saw photos of the center online, I couldn't believe it was in the US, let alone so close to us here in DC. The style is so traditionally Turkish and opulent, I was sure it was located overseas somewhere. The mosques I've been to in the US have been much more modest and contemporary in style. I loved seeing a religious and cultural center embrace its own beautiful heritage so completely. I guess it helps that the Turkish government funded its $110 million construction 💁
Here are just a few photos we took there:
We took our kids to show them a more traditional mosque, and you could tell they were fascinated by how different everything looked. They ran around the prayer area, chasing other kids (as most of us remember doing in our mosques growing up).
We've been looking for a community center with which we can become more involved. I liked what I saw of the gender-inclusiveness at the center, and would be interested in attending it some more. I'll keep you posted and let you know how it goes.